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Sample Work Deductions

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Sample Work Deductions

Taxpayers are eligible to take many different work deductions based on their occupation. In order to take work deductions you must itemize and prepare schedule A.
Deductible work expenses are limited to the amount that exceeds 2% of your gross salary:
Example: Your income is $50,000. 2% of that amount is $1,000. The amount of your work deductions that exceed $1,000 are deductible.
These are some sample deductions to the listed occupations. Rasta returns will never rush you and will get to know you so we can work together to maximize these deductions.
Union Dues
New Uniforms
Up keep of uniforms (repair/dry cleaning)
Purchase of weapons
Up keep of weapons
Use of car (during work)
Professional Organizations
Safety shoes
Surveillance equipment
Job travel
Cell. phone (needed for work)
Education/promotional exam preparation
Commissary fees (FF)

Union Dues
Travel job-to job
Classroom supplies
Telephone usage
Professional Organizations
Equipment for classroom
Computer /for research and school  work
Computer supplies
Exam fees
Resume preparation
These are just samples. Most jobs have expenses that are necessary for your occupation and are not reimbursed by your employer. Make an appointment sit down with Bob and let's see what expenses we can come up with your job. Let's maximaze your refund!


Bob Orazem
58 Silver Lake Road
Staten Island N.Y 10301
E-mail: Bobmile@aol.com         Office-(718) 442-2057            Fax-(718) 442-2057